Hypercontent Media for Fostering Sociopreneurship in Vocational Education

Media Hiperkonten untuk Menumbuhkan Sociopreneurship dalam Pendidikan Vokasi

  • (1) * Erna Retna Safitri            Training and Educational Faculty, Universitas Sriwijaya  

  • (2)  Makmum Raharjo            Training and Educational Faculty, Universitas Sriwijaya  

  • (3)  Ardi Saputra            Training and Educational Faculty, Universitas Sriwijaya  

  • (4)  Taruni Suningsih            Training and Educational Faculty, Universitas Sriwijaya  

  • (5)  Erni Trayati            Training and Educational Faculty, Universitas Sriwijaya  

    (*) Corresponding Author


This research explores the synergy between sustainable environmental education, sociopreneurship, and hypercontent media to support the SDGs and enhance 21st-century education. Focusing on vocational school students, it aims to design hypercontent-based learning media to promote sociopreneurship. The study uses qualitative methods with a case study approach, involving leaders, teachers, and students from five Vocational High Schools in Palembang. Data were collected through literature and field studies, including a media needs analysis via a questionnaire. The results indicate good school readiness for sustainable education programs, with an average score of 4.06. However, classroom implementation is low at 62.25%. Only 34% of students find current media effective, while 65% feel that traditional methods are insufficient. Therefore, 80% of students see the need for hypercontent-based learning media.

Keywords: Sustainable Environmental Education, Hypercontent, Sociopreneurship, Sustainable Development Goals, Instructional Media


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How to Cite
Safitri, E. R., Raharjo, M., Saputra, A., Suningsih, T., & Trayati, E. (2024). Hypercontent Media for Fostering Sociopreneurship in Vocational Education. Pedagogia : Jurnal Pendidikan, 13(2), 280-294. https://doi.org/10.21070/pedagogia.v13i2.1773
Education Media and learning resources